Tuesday, June 28, 2005


今晚 honey 上黎我屋企食飯~! 媽咪專登整左醉雞比佢食呀! 哼, 平時又唔見整比我食架窩!
食完飯, 睇左一陣電視, 我地就出左旺角行街街喇!
我去買返隻耳環粒珠, 又順便買多兩隻耳環同1個手鐲. (好靚架~~~!)

跟住就陪honey去 Smartone 啦. 跟住我又去買左個想買好耐既 backpack啦! Yeah! 以後星期三打波唔駛再用0個個muji單邊袋喇!!!

最後去食左一件 Belgium Waffle 同 許流山 甘就返屋企lu~



今日睇完醫生之後, 同媽咪落左樓下0個間 金太郎 度食lunch. 不過唔好食既! Sushi0的飯硬到死! 叫左個拉麵同海膽sushi, 十世都唔黎! 後尾我決定埋單唔要喇!

兩個人食4碟野, 唔夠飽架嘛, 所以我同媽咪又轉左去劉森記! 試下佢0的蝦子撈麵, 睇下係咪真係甘好食先!
個蝦子撈麵係真係好多蝦子0係面, 不過我嫌個麵太油, 唔夠健康. 同埋係冇乜味添.

Honey is back! Honey is back!!! Yeh~~!

Honey is back~~!!! Back to Hong Kong!!! 好野~~~~~
This is the day I have been waiting for so long~

No more crappy phone calls from AIC! No more "huh? wat did u say? I didnt hear it clearly!"
No more "Honey, when r u coming back??" No more L.D.R!!!


Sunday, June 26, 2005

羽毛球漫畫 Japanese Badminton Comics

睇badminton forum 時見到有人講起羽球漫畫!



Wallpaper 都有窩! :


Badminton today @ 調頸嶺 from 11am-2pm.

Quite tired from yesterday game and practise. Didn't play well at first but caught up an hr later~ :P

Practised some slices with Will today and I did it quite well... heehee~ Hope I can apply them in games~ I feel that I alwaz stress out at games and couldnt get the best out of me... :(
I will get over this problem! I know I can do it~!


Played badminton tonite @ Kowloon Bay.
A new comer to our club!
I almost didn't stop for a rest tonite! Played a few games and practise with Samson. (Thank you Samson~! :D)

Went late dinner with Samson, Tony, and Will. Ah~ still very full!

晏晝~ 眠一眠先~

今日放左工返到屋企, 冇乜野做, 部電腦又比細老霸左, 悶鬼死!
因為熱既關係, 所以唔想入廚房整野食喇. 見膊頭又有0的痛, 就用下OSIM 按摩下啦~ 好耐冇用lu~ 仲順便眠左一眠添~ heehee~~

不過都眠左唔係好耐咋... 因為太熱喇! 我又唔鍾意開冷氣架嘛~

Friday, June 24, 2005

Enjoy summer~ (雖然還在下雨...)


1111 visitor

我便是第 1,111個訪客喇~~~ 哇哈哈哈~~~

好悶呀... 一__一""


轉載至 newsgroup.talk.joke

有一天魔王抓走公主 公主一直叫
魔王:「哇勒~~~看到鬼! 」
靠:「胡說, 誰發現我了」
魔王:「oh my God」
肖耶 :「誰在裝我?」
誰 :「又說我?你們找麻煩啊?」
麻煩 :「哪一個找我?」
誰 :「他才不是我。」
公主 :「大家都是來救我的嗎?」
熱鬧 :「我有什麼好看的?」
上帝 :「不關我的事,先走了。」
魔王 :「你回答一個問題再走,為什麼這麼多人救公主? 我這個魔王怎麼演下去?」
下去 :「你好好的魔王不幹,演我做什麼?」
公主 :「魔王若是沒有人演,我就可以走了。」
熱鬧 :「看我幹什麼?」
什麼 :「你居然要『幹』我?」
熱鬧 :「你裝什麼可愛呀,噁心」
噁心 :「我哪有裝可愛呀」
可愛 :「可愛是裝不出來的」
這齣戲:「看我幹嘛??我臉上有長東西嗎? 」
不清楚狀況:「不要搞我,我怕痛 」
最好是你:「我哪敢吃你呀 」
沒有人:「我要演魔王,哪有時間看這齣戲 」
這齣戲:「你少臭美,我也不想給你看 」
喜歡我:「剛剛導演說如果公主一走要給我公主的角色 」
上帝 :「真的沒我的事了,我先閃啦.... 」
導演:「你不行走,剛剛曹操偷溜了,你要演他的角色 」
哪一個:「你們到底演不演呀?? 」
電動:「他沒打過我呀 」
我:「我在打逼呀,干我屁事 」
屁:「你的事就是我的事,我們是好馬吉 」
好馬吉:「我等到愛睏了 」
睏:「原來你愛的是我,我也是耶,我等這句話等好久了 」
你:「誰要跟你一起走 」
回家:「你要我幹什麼? 」
什麼:怎麼大家都在幹我? 」
魔王:「你八成是看到鬼了 」
鬼:「屁啦~~我從剛才開始就隱形到現在了 」
我:「誰跟你隱形了..去 誰G..為什麼是我跟他 」


Bored to death!

So quiet today. Not much ring-ring from customer and China.
Bored to death! I have been surfing on the net for the whole morning!
Geez.... It's not that I don't have anything to do, but i finished them all too quickly maybe?
Sigh~~ 好悶呀~~!


哈~ 別以為我只會做西點! 中式包點也難不到我~~ 哇哈哈哈~~~
最近在為食貓網站看見有幾位姐妹也做了饅頭. 心癢癢的我今天終於試一試自己動手做饅頭!!
第一盤是芋頭味包著原味. 可是因為我人太心急, 一做好就馬上開蓋, 把饅頭們的皮膚弄得皺皺的...對不起喔!

第二盤是原味包著芋頭味. 這一次學乖了! 不要馬上開蓋. 果然每一個都變滑滑妹~! 哈~~

我們試食後都覺得這些饅頭妹妹比超市冰鮮的好吃! 而且還 QQ的~ 很有口感喔!
第一次學人家做饅頭, 算是不錯吧~~ heehee~

Thursday, June 23, 2005

哈哈~ 我竟然係第1000名訪客!!

哈~ 等我仲諗住睇下邊位係第1000名訪客啦, 點知0個個係自己窩~~~!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Badminton tonite @ 摩士 at 8:00pm.
We were lucky to get a spare court for free! yeah!
Practised with Losasa and Will for some clears and drop. My finger still hurts and sometimes it made me lose my strength when I was trying to hit the shuttle


我和媽咪今日既 lunch --- 豬油渣麵!!
加埋0的辣菜浦, 好好味呀~~~~~~~~!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


今日癲大雨呀~! 我今朝早訓訓下都比0的雨 + 行雷聲嘈醒呀!

因為大雨既關係, 我今日全日都係著住對人字拖既! (包括返工都係~!!!)

朝早去左醫院睇下個大魔頭, 跟住就同媽咪一齊落深水步睇醫生喇.
嘩, 我地只不過係過一條馬路咋, 就已經濕左半個身喇! 我已經著4個骨褲啦今日, 但係都濕左半條褲呀! 真誇張!


班友仔丫, 又話去又話唔去. 等我問好晒澳門0的 酒店+船飛 價錢, 而家又一個二個甩底.
好彩我只係留定房未過數0者! 如果唔係就要佢地出錢比我去旅行!

哼, 好巴閉0羊! Honey, 我同你兩個去玩轉個澳門! Yeah~ 出發!


嘩哈哈哈~~~ 唔係虎口~ 係醫院先岩!
佢聽日要做一個小手術, 所以今晚我同媽咪陪佢入浸會先.


Monday, June 20, 2005


Made the 蜂蜜蛋糕 tonite! I think it is the best honey cake I have ever made! The texture and taste are so much like the original Taiwanese Honey Cake!
Put it into the fridge overnight will make it taste even better! Yumyum!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Badminton again

Went badminton today from 1100am - 1400pm @ 維景灣畔.
Didn't play very well today... maybe coz of too tired from last nite's game?
Had lunch with my team after badminton. Then went to Jusco for a walk coz there's a Taiwan Food Festival. I saw those 義美蜂蜜蛋糕!! But it was quite expensive. As I remember, it's about $4x for 1 small box of 蜂蜜蛋糕! I gonna make it tonite myself and it will only cost me approx. $15 for one really big one!
Beside of the honey cake, there are also some familiar Taiwanese drinks in the Food Festival. Like the 義美酸梅湯! Reminded me of 大統華超級市場 in Vancouver!
I bought a bottle of 義美酸梅湯, so that I can recapture the time when I was in Vancouver~ heehee


Went badminton @ Kowloon Bay tonite.
Sweat a lot! heehee~ lol

Dined @ 滿屋甜品 in Telford. Food and drinks are bad!

"Throwing Money Day"!!!

Haha~ I called it "Throwing Money Day" coz I spent quite a lot today!
Went shopping @ 新世紀廣場 with Mom after brunch @ Mongkok.
Bought lots from DHC coz my facial "chemical" (dat's wat honey usually called my facial cleansing stuff!!) are running out! Bought a set of undies~ oops~ heehee~ and finally, a summer top! I wanted to buy the white top, but it's out of stock! Grrrr.... so i bought this blue green one! I rarely have any blue green color clothes, but Mom said it looks good on me~!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Last nite dinner @ Delaney's

Was too tired and headache last nite so I didn't write anything about my dinner last nite @ Delaney's.

Went there with Wise, Will and Jeff. We had dinner & drinks there.
The atmosphere was quite good. Music were quite loud but still managed to hear what my friends were saying. The good thing is their music r from the 90's, so you probably know most of the songs. Oh, and you can pick for any songs you like too. They have a DJ there.

For going Irish Pub, of'coz we have to order some fresh Irish drought beer! Otherwise it's no point going there, rite? Will and I had Kilkenny, Wise had cider which taste pretty much like apple cider! Jeff had Guinness.
The Kilkenny taste quite light when you r drinking it. But surprisingly it has a strong aftertaste!

For the food, we ordered Irish Smoked Salmon for starter, Spare Ribs for snack. Entries were Beef and Guinness Pie and Irish Fish & Chips. All of them are quite good. Especially the Beef and Guinness Pie! They used filo instead of regular Pie crust! Yummy!

BTW, 80% of the customer there are caucasians!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Bad headache

Get a really bad headache today. Probably is becoz I stayed in the car for an hour with no fresh air this afternoon!
Bad bad bad headache is just killin me! I dined out with Wise, Will, and Jeff tonite, but i couldn't stay longer becoz of my headache. Didn't enjoy that much coz of my headache and was worrying bout honey...

My little Angel will stay with you...

Honey got into the ER last nite coz of the nose bleeding! I was really worry about him....
I was wondering why didnt he call me and it was almost 4am Vancouver time! Then when i got back to office, I got a msg from Lavin, his bro, saying that honey got into the ER... :(

Honey, are you doing alrighgt now? I will pray for you tonite and my little Angel will alwaz stay with you...


從前, 有一個蛋糕師傅. 他做的清蛋糕是全城最美味的, 而且出爐沒多久便搶購一空. 每天來光顧的人都要排隊才買到蛋糕.
日子久了, 這位師傅開始感到驕傲, 因為他做的蛋糕得到全城人的認同.
慢慢的, 他開始變得懶惰了. 他覺得所有人都喜歡吃清蛋糕, 那他只須要每天做一大堆清蛋糕便可以滿足這個城的人噜.
可是, 人始終都是喜歡求變的. 就算再好吃的蛋糕也會有吃膩的一天...

終於, 蛋糕師傅小店的生意開始慢慢的走下坡. 來買蛋糕的人續漸變少.
師傅開始感到很沮喪...因為生意差的關係, 還常常發脾氣.

這天, 他又在做蛋糕時發脾氣了. 他一不小心把蛋黃漿濺到還沒烤的清蛋糕上面去了!
可是他跟本就沒心情去從頭再弄一個, 所以就直接把清蛋糕送到烤爐裡去...

蛋糕出爐了, 奇怪的事亦同時發生! 清蛋糕上竟然留下了剛才蛋黃漿的花紋!
這時候, 蛋糕師傅想出一個可以令普普通通的清蛋糕起死回生的方法! 竅妙就是蛋黃漿!!

這一次, 他很用心的去製作這個特別的清蛋糕. 放進烤爐前還擠上蛋黃漿, 然後用竹簽在面上來回劃過.
果然, 清蛋糕出爐後表面多了一些很漂亮的千葉花紋. 蛋糕師傅把這個清蛋糕取了一個新名字 -- 千葉蛋糕.
從這天開始, 蛋糕師傅的小店又開始熱鬧起上來了.

以後, 蛋糕師傅學會了不能輕易驕傲, 而且還要不斷創新做美味又漂亮的蛋糕給所有的人.

<故事乃dreammeow私人創作. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合. 切密盜取. 謝謝.>

Welcome back, Mini!

I took off an hour earlier today! Coz it's time to pick up my best friend - Mini! Welcome back my Mini Cooper S~! I miss you sooooo much! You can't imagine how these days I have been living without you around me, my friend! Definately no good! MTR almost gonna be my best friend! But I said I already have a best friend and she is Mini! haha~~~
I love you, even you had a broken windscreen, but you were still very lovely with that scar on you! Of'coz you are much more prettier now without the scar! heehee~


我討厭我不能控制自己的情緒, 也討厭你有時候倔強的說話...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


今日落好大雨呀, 加上天氣異常潮濕, 我隻右腳膝頭哥好鬼"冤"痛呀~
今晚打完波之後, 連兩隻腳既足踝跤位都痛埋.... 唉~ 天氣快0的好返啦, 甘我隻腳就會好返架喇...
今晚帶埋0的 Double Decker Cheesecake 去請阿Wise佢地食. 阿Wise話好好味呀~~~ Heehee~ 巧開心喔~!

Double Decker Cheesecake

This is the cake I made last nite and I did some chocolate decoration on top.
I was following a recipe from a book, but then there was 1 ingredient I don't quite understand what it is, so I end up making it up and using my own recipe! Haha~~
But it turned out to be quite good and the texture is very smooth!
It taste much better than what I expected! Yummy Yummy~!

Sleepy doobeedoo...ZzzzZZZz

I was really sleepy this afternoon @ office.
Was working on a quotation at first, then slowly I lost focus and 變左鬥雞眼!
Too tired and I fell asleep for 3 mins! But that was a power sleep! I felt like I slept for 30 mins! Amazing! haha~~

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


今晚整左個 Chocolate Cheese Cake.
原本想整 Chocolate Mousse Cake 架, 不過屋企冇晒牛奶, 所以整左 cheese cake囉.
未有相睇住. 因為佢仲0係個雪櫃度未訓醒~! Heehee~~~ 8)

今日Honey 去完旅行返 Vancouver喇~ 聽朝就可以聽到佢把聲喇~~~ 好野~
好掛住佢呀~ *hughug*

Monday, June 13, 2005


今日Lunch0個段時間出左去深水步覆診, 排左勁耐隊先輪到我, 好彩媽咪早兩個鐘去排先咋, 如果唔係仲耐呀!!
睇完醫生就諗住去劉森記食蝦子撈麵既, 點知佢裝修窩~!!! 冇得食呀~~ 慘~ 我一心想食0個個
架嘛~! :(
後尾唯有去 維記食豬潤麵囉. 媽咪就叫左個 加央多士. 不過我覺得唔係甘好味0者.
都係食返豬潤麵保險0的~ :D

Later today

打完波, 返屋企就癱瘓左0係個 sofa 度...訓著左.
5:45pm 熱到醒左~! 好熱呀~

夜晚同媽咪 & 細佬出左旺角食飯. 去左 壽司亭. 麻麻地味道. 0的生帶子頗淋...

跟住去左波鞋街, 買左對鞋.
我對Nike只係著左一年, 但係已經殘到爆... 點解呢?! @_@
其實我覺得Mizuno 0的鞋都好舒服~ 不過我硬係覺得著住佢地係應該去球場打波, 而唔係0係街度行....